Ekspertu un lietotāju atsauksmes no Absolute Hosting klientiem:
Absolute Hosting specialize in hosting only, and its our core focus. We own our infrastructure and are passionate about building smart hosting solutions for end users, SME's and Resellers.
We provide 99% up time web hosting to the South African market
We were forced to move from our long time email service provider due to our business growth and research for a new supplier. Truly so very pleased that we found Absolute Hosting.
We have been with them for about 2 years now and they are so attentive to our needs in our very busy and demanding environment. Their service, support, knowledge and people are amazing, always ready to help and deal with all issues from simple matters to sometimes very complicated requests, delivering the results we need every time. No request is ever to big or small.
I can very confidently recommend them to anyone looking to take their IT services to the next level.
HostAdvice.com nodrošina profesionālus tīmekļa hostinga apskatus, kas ir pilnībā neatkarīgi no jebkādām citām pusēm. Mūsu apskati ir objektīvi, godīgi un uz visiem apskatītajiem uzņēmumiem attiecina vienus un tos pašus novērtējuma standartus.Lai arī no dažiem vietnē iekļautajiem uzņēmumiem tiek saņemta naudas atlīdzība, pakalpojumu un produktu apmaksāšanai nav nekādas ietekmes uz mūsu apskatu norādēm vai secinājumiem. Tāpat arī šīs atlīdzības neietekmē noteiktu hostinga uzņēmumu novērtējumu.Šī atlīdziba sedz konta iegādes izmaksas, testēšanas izmaksas un apskatniekiem izmaksāto atlīdzību.