Ekspertu un lietotāju atsauksmes no Dedibay klientiem:
Dedibay shortname for dedicated server bay
Dedibay Inc. run private suite room in Data center from US, Europe, Asia, Africa. We are able to provide you custom dedicated server across world.
High bandwdith-1Gpbs to 100Gpbs
Multiple ips
DDOS protection
Custom hosting solution
node across the world
That is a good trip with dedibay.we have been leasing dedicated server for half year.hope it keep the way to go.And HelpDesk is instant.I am going to go with more options in the firm.
I needed something in South America - and I still need something in South America. This company has a decent price for their service - but it's been over 24 hours and no provisioning. Support? Forget about it - seriously, you basically give them your email address and they'll get back to you.
I have over 50 VPS with other companies, and I've never seen anything this bad before.
Sorry for your bad experience,Sir The Virus is heavily here And we were trying to setup more dedicated servers for the cloud plan.That's why we setup lately. More importantly, you will get money back.Our sales alreay cleared up with you on Skype. Any way,Sorry for you. Take care in bad virus.
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