Ekspertu un lietotāju atsauksmes no HostPixal klientiem:
Hostpixal Established in 2017 , our goal has been to simplify the USA/ UK/ GERMANY & SRI LANKA hosting market with easy to understand but comprehensive products, support them with knowledgeable SRI LANKA, INDIA & GERMANY based customer support, deliver them through high performance, low latency USA/ UK/ GERMANY/ SRI LANKA datacentres and supply all this to you at a low price. ...
It's come to our attention that HostPixal has ceased operations. The landscape of service providers is ever-changing, and we aim to keep you informed. To ensure you find a reliable alternative, we invite you to visit our homepage showcasing our top 10 providers.
HostPixal best alternatives
1 Best Overall
Bezriska 30 dienu naudas atdošanas garantija
Viss-vienā web hosting ar tehnisko atbalstu 24/7/365
Bezmaksas SSL, bezmaksas migrācija, automātiskais skriptu instalētājs, viena klikšķa WordPress instalēšana un automātiskas rezerves kopijas
Uptime is actually LESS than downtime with HostPixal
Real customer here (you can tell by the lack of generic "always up" or "great service" sentences in my review). Been using hostpixal for over 4 months. Well 'using' is a bit of a stretch since my site is hardly online. Let me just show you a simple uptime statstic from my Uptime Robot dashboard:
You read that right, I'm not joking here.. This is one of the few hosting services on the planet with downtime actually exceeding uptime. It's incredible really.
ive been using hostpixal since 1 year and i cant descirbe the amount of problems ive had with them at first they replied but now they close tickets without even bothering to reply the uptime is somewhere around 80% its a cheap host what else can you expect from them with this kind of service dont think they're gonna go any far shifted to hostinger. paying more but atleast my ass doesnt hurt every other day because of some stupid issue in their core.
HostAdvice.com nodrošina profesionālus tīmekļa hostinga apskatus, kas ir pilnībā neatkarīgi no jebkādām citām pusēm. Mūsu apskati ir objektīvi, godīgi un uz visiem apskatītajiem uzņēmumiem attiecina vienus un tos pašus novērtējuma standartus.Lai arī no dažiem vietnē iekļautajiem uzņēmumiem tiek saņemta naudas atlīdzība, pakalpojumu un produktu apmaksāšanai nav nekādas ietekmes uz mūsu apskatu norādēm vai secinājumiem. Tāpat arī šīs atlīdzības neietekmē noteiktu hostinga uzņēmumu novērtējumu.Šī atlīdziba sedz konta iegādes izmaksas, testēšanas izmaksas un apskatniekiem izmaksāto atlīdzību.