Ekspertu un lietotāju atsauksmes no KVM Host klientiem:
Although we're widely known as the #1 managed VPS hosting provider globally, we provide professional, fully managed hosting perfectly tailored for SME’s. Speed, Reliability and Support – we offer it all! Don’t forget our FREE setup, migration and backups, plus our 100% satisfaction guarantee.
It's come to our attention that KVM Host has ceased operations. The landscape of service providers is ever-changing, and we aim to keep you informed. To ensure you find a reliable alternative, we invite you to visit our homepage showcasing our top 10 providers.
KVM Host best alternatives
1 Best Overall
Bezriska 30 dienu naudas atdošanas garantija
Viss-vienā web hosting ar tehnisko atbalstu 24/7/365
Bezmaksas SSL, bezmaksas migrācija, automātiskais skriptu instalētājs, viena klikšķa WordPress instalēšana un automātiskas rezerves kopijas
I am running a designing company and have been serviced by many hosting providers.
But if we talk about KVM Host, the it is different from others hosting providers, KVM Host's customer support and service is very good and I have seen this type service first time in India.
And i would request all of you to try them one, because this is the time to be "Vocal for Local"
I have not seen service and customer support in the web hosting industries like kvmhost.net in last 5 years. The Service and customer support of kvmhost.net is very amazing
Some time ago I have taken reseller hosting from https://kvmhost.net and rightly speaking I found the solution to all the problem at one place. And at this time even when there is Lock Down in whole country the support of https://kvmhost.net is always available, while at this time very few provider is able to provide proper support. But kvmhost.net far ahead of that. And the performance of kvmhost.net servers website is very good.
I have taken 2 Fully Managed Dedicated servers from kvmhost.net . and the performance of both server is very good. And the best thing is kvmhost.net's 24x7 technical support. yes, I will also say that I have never seen this kind of service and support in India before. And i would like to tell everyone that if your are looking for a good service, then you must try kvmhost.net once and my guarantee is that this is your last hosting provider.
HostAdvice.com nodrošina profesionālus tīmekļa hostinga apskatus, kas ir pilnībā neatkarīgi no jebkādām citām pusēm. Mūsu apskati ir objektīvi, godīgi un uz visiem apskatītajiem uzņēmumiem attiecina vienus un tos pašus novērtējuma standartus.Lai arī no dažiem vietnē iekļautajiem uzņēmumiem tiek saņemta naudas atlīdzība, pakalpojumu un produktu apmaksāšanai nav nekādas ietekmes uz mūsu apskatu norādēm vai secinājumiem. Tāpat arī šīs atlīdzības neietekmē noteiktu hostinga uzņēmumu novērtējumu.Šī atlīdziba sedz konta iegādes izmaksas, testēšanas izmaksas un apskatniekiem izmaksāto atlīdzību.