Ekspertu un lietotāju atsauksmes no ExtraVM LLC klientiem:
ExtraVM (Delware #6623925) was started in 2014 and was created to offer affordable DDoS protected VPS around the world while offering servers on high performance hardware. As of 2022 we primarily use newer Ryzen processors with datacenter grade NVMe drives, and refresh our plans with newer hardware every year or two. Plans start at $5.00/m in most locations, but some start as l...
I have been using various services from ExtraVM consistently for two and a half years now. By and large, their offerings are quite competitive in both pricing and performance. Like any provider, there are bouts of network reliability issues every now and then, but there are largely no issues and support is fantastic. It seems like they're always trying to find some ways to improve or expand their service, which is very nice. Highly recommend!
HostAdvice.com nodrošina profesionālus tīmekļa hostinga apskatus, kas ir pilnībā neatkarīgi no jebkādām citām pusēm. Mūsu apskati ir objektīvi, godīgi un uz visiem apskatītajiem uzņēmumiem attiecina vienus un tos pašus novērtējuma standartus.Lai arī no dažiem vietnē iekļautajiem uzņēmumiem tiek saņemta naudas atlīdzība, pakalpojumu un produktu apmaksāšanai nav nekādas ietekmes uz mūsu apskatu norādēm vai secinājumiem. Tāpat arī šīs atlīdzības neietekmē noteiktu hostinga uzņēmumu novērtējumu.Šī atlīdziba sedz konta iegādes izmaksas, testēšanas izmaksas un apskatniekiem izmaksāto atlīdzību.